Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Spring Pictures

Last weekend, we had summer like weather, maybe record high on Sun. So, as you can imagine, all the trees and flowers went nuts. My azalea was just budding on Fri, then all of a sudden, all the flowers exploded within hours. I almost spent the entire weekend out in my yard, cleaned all the debris, edged and mulched all the flowerbeds and around the trees. I know I shouldn't work this hard, but I really cannot help it. But I learned my lesson Sat morning, I cannot stand bright sunshine right in my face and eyes any more. I almost fainted. So, I wore my big hat and sunglass the rest of the weekend. DH helped out a lot, he trimmed off all the lower branches from our two big oak trees, since they are about to poke my neighbor's kids' eyes out. And he helped me finally finished the trouble area. The small area is near the fundation, next to the deck. I used to have some flowers there, but DH didn't like all the watering, he worried about damaging the fundation. So, we put down river pebble there. Now he won't bug me all the time.

Some of my perennial vegetable also came out and growing at record speed. My asparagus grew about 6 inches in one day! I collected about 1lb of the tender shoots in two days! So, we got to eat our first homegrown organic asparagus this season. I also collected a bag full of chive, forgot to take pictures before I gave it to my friend AK.
More pictures of my flowers coming soon.

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