Monday, May 18, 2009

Busy Weekend

Had some time to clean, update and promote my shop last week, and it really paid off. Not only I got a customer order, someone else bought 3 more items on Sat. Yeepee! They will be on their way today. Finally some activities in my shop after 6 months ignorance. Here are pics of the ones sold this weekend.

And I did another 'huge' job on Sat. Two weeks ago, the landscape company we hired for this year mowed our lawn for the first time, and they destroyed one of my raised bed. I knew the wood boarder were all rotted, so it's time to replace them anyway. DH and I wanted to build a stone boarder this time, but gave up the idea after realizing that will cost us more than $200! No way! So, we just bought some 2 by 6 instead. I thought my old 1 by 6 boarder lasted 4 years, so this new one will last at least that time. DH helped me loaded the wood to the top of our car, we tied them up, and slowly drove home. Lucky for us, Lowe's is just 5 minutes local drive away. Then DH helped me put the wood on driveway, and brought out my miter saw (it's kind of too heavy to me to carry) and all my other tools. It took me total 5 hours to tear up the old one, and install the new one. Actually breaking the old one took longer than I thought. I didn't want the garbage guy to hurt his fingers, so I carefully removed all rusted screws. I actually reused most of them on the new boarder. Well, they were rusted, but still strong enough, so why waste them? And I was out of 2" screws, so this saved me another trip to Lowe's. Totally forgot to take a before picture, so only can show you the after. Still need to fill the gaps between the new boarder and the old soil, that's a bag of compost there on the side. And here are a couple of pictures of the old boarder, the wood boards were totally rotted.
Oh, here are some pictures of the hostas I divided a week ago. They were just tiny eyes just poked out to the surface at that time. And look at them now. The ones in the soil are actually 1/4 of what used to be. I divided them and planted others around the base of my two oak tree. I also potted up two clusters for AK's friend, he doesn't have variegated ones. Still need to get some colorful annuals to put in between the hostas under the tree. Will be really pretty soon.

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