Friday, July 31, 2009

Celtuce Harvest

Mom harvested 5 big celtuces this morning. We had two of them a couple of days ago, they were SOOOO delicious! Celtuce is cool weather vegetable, when the temperature gets high, it will bolt, which make the whole thing bitter. Although we love looking at them in the garden, and want to let them grow a little bit thicker, it's about time! I wanted to take some pictures of them still in the garden, but it started pouring. Will do that later today. Here are some pictures of the ones my mom already cleaned. The stems are about 2" thick, and more than 16" long! And each of them had tons of leaves. My fridge is filled with fresh celtuce, cucumber and purple beans now! How wonderful! Love summer and tasty home grown veggies! Cannot wait for my cherry tomatoes to ripe! Yummy!

1 comment:

  1. Wow that looks wonderful! I just got some Celtuce seeds and am looking forward to growing them-- maybe in the fall?
