Thursday, February 25, 2010

Transform Your Plain T Shirt

Yesterday's post got me thinking about what else I can do to transform some of my boring wardrobe. Then I remember reading a great tutorial a while ago, about how to add corsage to your t shirt and make it fashionable and feminine. Loved the idea, but forgot where I saved the link. Had to google it again. Even though I didn't find the one I liked, there are lots of similar tutorials out there.

Corsage Tee
Corsage Shirt. Similar look, but this one is made from scratch.
Ruffled Shirt. This is the same shirt with different neckline treatment. Also lovely.
A different way to add corsage details to the neckline.
This is another interesting neckline detail. Love the color, and how elegant it looks.
Another corsage shirt. And here is a variation of it. Instead of same color knit fabric, this one used hand-dyed fabric, and embroidered some details.
This pillowcase top is really interesting too.
This spring ruffle top doesn't have corsage, but I like how fresh and cute it looks, and how easy it is to make. So, had to squeeze it in here.
Now all my T shirts, are you ready?

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