Monday, June 14, 2010

BabyTalk Cover Contest 2010

Why didn't I read my babyTalk magazine last month? I could have more time to prepare for this. I just saw it last weekend in the June/July issue. And we had a full schedule for the weekend planned, so I got no chance to take some good pictures of little Caterpillar. Plus it has been raining for 3 days, there was not enough natural light, and I am not good at taking picture in a darker room. The deadline is tomorrow night! I thought about picking one from her recent shots (it has to be within a month of entry), but we have been taking family everyday fun pictures lately, so not many great solo pictures to choose from. Plus, after reading the tips on their website, none of the ones I liked met all their suggestions, like show your baby's eyes, go for smile (they worry if parents cannot get the baby to smile at home, it will be difficult for them to get it on set. Understandable!), don't block baby's face with hat and sunglasses, make sure you have good light and clutter free background, let the baby's personality shine, ... Little Caterpillar has so many different facial expressions, my personal favorites are those of her biggest smiles, but her eyes normally totally squeezed to just lines. They are very funny, and will make whoever watching the picture laugh. BUT the editors have to see her eyes too. And normally there is not teeth in those pictures either. So, those are out. The other favorite of mine was her wearing old navy lavender hoody vest. She was so calm and sweet in that picture, and her face was not hidden, you can see all her features, even one of her cute ears (of course, to a proud mommy, everything about her baby is cute). But she was kind of too cool, just a tiny bit of smile, so of course no teeth. She has some wonderful pictures that met all the suggestions, but they are simply too old (more than 3 months ago). Guess I have one more chance to get it right tomorrow morning before leaving for work. Just checked the forecast, the sun finally will come out tomorrow. Let's hope little caterpillar will be in very good mood. If I cannot get a great picture tomorrow, I just have to submit the one with old navy hoody vest. Smile or not, she was sweet! And I just think they haven't had an Asian American baby on their cover for a while, so she might have a chance there. I am not one of those mothers who push their baby girls to those beauty pageants or photo shoots and try super hard to make them into some kind of star. I just thought it will be exciting to take her on a fun trip to NY for her first birthday. Yeah, little caterpillar is turning one around the time they announce the semi-finalists.

OK, enough chatting. I am off to check out the competitions. =)

Corrected: Silly me. I read the deadline wrong. It's July 15th, not June 15th! Now I have a whole month to work on it. So glad I didn't submit a "just ok" picture yesterday.

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