Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Crawl, Baby, Crawl

My little caterpillar is on the move all the time now. Not even 2 weeks ago, she just figured out how to drag her body forward, her legs were kicking and trying so hard to keep up with the hands. Once she figured it out, she just all of a sudden became the Master Crawler. Even though there is a small forward fall on the face once a while, she is enjoying it very much. We have to play with her on the floor now, queen size bed is just too small for her, and we worry about her falling down from the bed anyway.

Little caterpillar has strong legs, even when she was inside me. So, no surprise to us that she learned to pull herself up and standing for a while before she figured out crawling. Now she is cruising in her crib, standing up every chance she gets. She cannot stand up on her own now, still need at least a small toy to give her a boost. She loves playing with all her toys. As much as I promised myself not letting her taking over the house, I can see myself failing now. There are more and more toys in the playroom, a.k.a. the living room, and her playpen. We are trying very hard to keep everything organized, but kind of losing control now. We really need to figure out a better organizing system, maybe a shelving unit. But where should we put it? Our living room is just so small. Well, we will figure it out. Think about all our friends who live in apartments, they have less space than we do, and if they can manage keep their babies happy and keep their sanity at the same time, so can we. Meanwhile, we just need to get down to the floor and forget about the chores, and enjoy the moment.

Let me close today's post with something really funny. I was reading my BabyTalk magazine on the morning train, and just couldn't stop laughing out loud. Guess other passengers just thought I was silly.
"goo-goo gaa-gaa airlines"
* Fuzzy puppet delivers in-flight safety speech
* Motion sickness bag comes with burp cloth
* When noise level in cabin gets too high, pacifiers drop from the ceiling
* Pilot has the voice of Elmo
* Drink cart converts into changing table
* Boarding pass doubles as teething biscuit
(And last but not least, and so true)
* Airline does not offer red-eyes. We are sleep deprived parents! We already have red eyes!

lol. Hope you had a good laugh like I did.

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