Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Listen To Your Body

Yesterday, one of our senior member in our group passed away suddenly from cardiomyopathy. He was only 47 years young! He had some chest pain the day before, went to ER at one of the best hospitals in the world (one of the Harvard affiliated hospital). He was 'fine' there, so his family and friends left at the end of the day. Then he passed away at 2AM! He was a brilliant, funny, and friendly guy. We were all so sad to hear this horrible news and most of us bursted into tears. Then we thought about his poor wife. They only married 3 years ago, and they are madly in love, the perfect couple as you might say. They were supposed to fly to Italy that night to attend the celebration his village planned to honor him, because his successful career as a professor at Harvard! Cannot imagine how sad his wife, family and the whole villiage are right now.

His death was so sudden, all of us were shocked. Then it got us thinking about our own life. We are all busy working, taking care of our family and even our house and yard, but how many of us actually slow down once a while to take care of ourselves? Our bodies are like machines, running non-stop, until we break down. If we treat our bodies like our cars, remember to do routine check ups, and maintain this most important 'machine' once a while, we probably can enjoy a smoothly running 'machine' for much longer. We should pay more attention to our bodies, look for signs indicating potential problems, and then do something about it, either changing our lifestyle or visiting our health care providers. Especially guys, they tend to ignore small problems, and just walk it off. We all have to change that, and remind ourselves and our families to take good care of each other. At the end, your healthy body is all you and your family have. Without it, no one can enjoy the success in any aspect of life.

So, I called Stubborn immediately and told him to drive safely on his way home, and I told him "drive safe" again this morning when he dropped me off at the train station. Did you remind your loved ones to be safe lately? Do it today.

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