Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Someone Learned A New Trick

Right after little Caterpillar figured out how to crawl and pull/push herself up standing, she figured out the stairs too. We were just wanted to introduce her to the stairs one night, didn't think she could get it right away, maybe in a couple of weeks. Nope. She only needed help for the first two steps, then she was on her way. She can climb all the way to the top, if we have something to lure her, usually that's Stubborn's cell phone. One of us has to stand right behind her, in case she got tired and turn around and try to sit down. She just constantly amaze us these days! No wonder she doesn't want to go to bed nowadays. If I learned so much in just 3 short weeks, I would be excited as well. Ohhh, look at those chunky baby legs. Yummm!

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