Friday, July 16, 2010

ByeBye, Lily

Today is our nanny Lily's last day! We are so sad that she is leaving! She has been taking care of little caterpillar since she was 3 month old, and little caterpillar loves her dearly. She always put on the biggest smile when she sees lily in the morning. The new nanny starts on Monday, one of us will stay home for the first week to help little caterpillar during this transition time. I am sure it will be quite hard on little caterpillar, since she is old enough now to remember people. Lily also kept our home so clean, better than I did! I just hope the next nanny will be at least 80% like her. Well, lily is going back to school in NY, which is a very brave thing to do and big change for sure. We are happy for her! And wish her a bright future and safe trip!

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