Monday, August 30, 2010

Fabric Flowers

I am adding more and more feminine touches to my wardrobe ever since I got pregnant. Guess the hormones changed me permanently. Love how the big flowers can make plain and tired outfits shine, like this.

I am not brave enough to wear a big flower on my head like this and this, but they will be perfect for my little girl. Last week at J Crew, we saw some really cute hair accessories with huge flowers, and little caterpillar looked really cute wearing the pink one! Stubborn wanted to buy it on the spot, but for about $13, I told him I can make a drawer of them for her, in all sorts of colors. So, now I have to add one more project to my crazy list.

Bought some hair bands and elastic ones at a dollor store while shopping, and I am going to use ribbons and fabric scraps from my stash, so the whole project would probably cost me $2 and some time. I tried wrap a plastic one with pink ribbon, couldn't figure out how they made both ends so tight, and look so neat. Then the light bulb moment. Duh! The big flower covers a small section of the band, so I can start wrapping from the ends, and stop at the point where I want my flower to be, and secure them there. Once the flower is sewed on, no one can see it. Yeah, I am that smart.

Then I started searching for online tutorials for making fabric or ribbon flowers. Wow! People are so creative! There are so many great flowers and tutorials out there, I don't know which one to start with.

OK, this one is a ribbon peony! Gorgeous! And I can finally use some of my wire ribbons.

These cuties are made of long stripes of fabric and beads. I have 3 jelly rolls, and lots of scraps, it will be fun to make several flowers in different sizes and matching colors, and combine them on one hair band for a more dramatic look!

I always loved these flowers! But never knew the correct name. Finally, found this tutorial. It's called Kanzashi flower, and so easy to make.

These are made of ribbons too, just instead of wired ones, these used 2 different sizes of regular ribbons. I have a box of those too, so I will definitely try this one as well.

I love how these flowers also works on clothes and bags. See how cute they made this plain white V neck t-shirt? Fabulous! I am currently working on an old white t-shirt of mine, and don't have enough cut off fabric to make the decoration I wanted. This might be just what I need to do! I thought I saw a tutorial about how to make the center flower a while back, just need to find it again. Oh, never mind, found one. Not as detailed as the one I read before, but will do.
Note: Found another one, just a little bit different.

Didn't find tutorials for these cuties below, but I am sure I can figure them out.

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