Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Mirror, Mirror On The Wall

How I love your new look! For a long time, we have been hunting for a more modern mirror for the entrance. I bought the rectangle one from Building19 years ago, when we were still renting and we didn't need fancy stuffs, just a plain mirror. And for just $10, I was quite satisfied with it for all those years, until a couple of years ago. We found the perfect little console table for the entrance space, right size for the narrow wall space, not too deep to block traffic, and we both love the style and rich color. Then this old mirror started looking like an eye sore.

I have been kicking my own *** for not buying a matching mirror when we bought the console table, because when we went back for one, that store was closed! Too bad. I wanted a round one, Stubborn wanted an oval one. I wanted one with thinner border, so it won't overpower the console below, but stubborn wanted one with very wide and heavy frame, because he loves the one Charlie (Two and A Half Men) has in his bedroom. I kept telling him the reason that one works, it's because it sits above a equally heavily built dresser, and our console table is just too skiny for it. The ones that met both our criterias were way too expensive, no way I am going to spend $300 on a mirror, even $200 is a huge stretch on my budget line. So, imagine how happy we were when I spotted this baby at T.J.Maxx last weekend. It was the right size, oval shape, and almost perfect color match to our little table. And for just $39.99, I had to put it in my cart immediately. Even though it's not actually made of wood, it has the feel and look of it, without any joint lines. I could love one with bevelled mirror, but for this price, I can live with a plain one for now. Look how much difference it makes! Mirror, mirror on the wall, I am so in love with you!

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