Monday, November 22, 2010

Boston Harbor Cruise

Not this past Sat, the one before that, I know, I am a bad blogger, so late on telling my stories. Well, better late than never. The weather was perfect, warm and bright sunshine, so Stubborn and I decided to take little Caterpillar to the New England Aquarium. I have been holding back on this for a while, because I worry she might be afraid of the darkness. Then she started showing strong interests in the sharks and whales on TV, well, it's time! When we got to the Boston Harbor area, it was sooo pleasant that we didn't want to just go inside.

That's when we saw the ticket center.
Hmmm, maybe we should go see whales instead, Stubborn said. But guess it's not the season, there were no whale watching cruises. So, we just grabbed a couple of tickets, and jumped on the Harbor Cruise! It was little Caterpillar's first time on a boat ever! She was very excited, checking out the cruise, the chair, and chatting with strangers!

When we just left the harbor, the wind was strong and cold. Since we didn't prepare for this, I just brought her a very thin coat. Stubborn took off his own coat and wrapped it tightly on his little girl! What a wonderful daddy! Little caterpillar was fascinated by the water, spent more of the time staring down.

What a great view! Looking back at Boston, it's such a different feeling than driving through it. The whole city looks so calm, you cannot feel any of those daily stress, traffic, you cannot even hear any of that noise!

Then we stopped at the navy yard at Charlestown, visited the USS Constitution Museum, got on board the "old ironsides".

Little Caterpillar had way too much fun up on the USS Constitution battleship. She 'petted' the big black cannons, checked out the ropes, and almost climbed everything you can find. If we didn't stop her, she probably can climb up to the front tip of the ship. The deck is very slippery, she kept falling down. Being a 'bad' mother as I am, I was laughing and enjoying the moment, instead of rushing over and helping her. Well, she won't let me help anyway. She loved playing with the cannons so much, made such a scene when we told her it's time to go. Well, at least she is cute, everyone loved her even when she was very unreasonable.

OK, we have to take a break here. This post is getting too long. I will tell you the rest of our day tomorrow.

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