Thursday, December 30, 2010

Favorite Garden Moments

Since my plants are my other love in this whole world, I thought they deserved a post just for them. Ever since I was pregnant with little caterpillar, I kind of ignored my orchids and garden. Knowing I won't have nearly enough time to even water them all correctly and on the right schedule, I had to make up my mind. First I didn't grow any vegetable this year, just to save all my precious time to play with little caterpillar. Then I gave half of my potted plants away, because I didn't and wouldn't kill them. Of course, those are mostly easier house plants. I cannot part with any of my orchids or jasmines. Even with this very limited time and care, my plants gave me quite a show. Now I am putting some of my favorite garden moments all together, so you can enjoy them with me!

In January, my Phalaenopsis Schilleriana exploded with color, while my Jasmine Indian Belle filled the whole house with heavenly aroma.

In Febuary, two of my dendrobiums joined the show, Den. Singapore Girl and Den. bigibbum. The plant shelf was filled with purple and pink, very strong colors.

By April, my garden woke up, forthysia, tulips, grape hyacinth, crocus, daffodils, and azalea. Amazingly vibrant colors. And inside of the house, things are getting more exciting as well. My Clivia's stuck spike was able to shoot out after a brink of diluted beer. And my variegated jasmine exploded with clusters and clusters of white little flowers. The dining room smelled amazing.

I got really excited in May, seeing my Peony "Gardenia" setting buds, growing bigger and bigger, and finally opened up. The flowers were so pure and graceful, absolutely worth 3 years of waiting. The iris AK gave me last year not only survived their first winter in my garden, but also gave me two amazingly beautiful flowers. These are definitely keepers. My favorite, columbines, didn't disappoint me either. The lily of the valley I planted the year before also survived. Even though the flower clusters are not very impressive, the smell was unbelievably strong. My strawberries gave me a blanket of white flowers, followed by the most sweet fruits. My chive also started blooming this month, lovely purple ball of flowers.

By June, my peony flowers reached peak, and faded quickly. But the show they put on was unforgettable. This is the first time I ever noticed the lovely details on my Rhododendron flowers. My Asiatic Lilie bloomed right after peony faded, filled the bed with watercolor painting like flowers, also replaced the fragrant.

OK, this post is getting too long. Will continue tomorrow.

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