Thursday, February 17, 2011

How Was Your Valentine's Day?

Ours were pretty simple and sweet. Stubborn remembered to buy flowers for both me and little Caterpillar. Or should I say I got the flower because of her. Stubborn is not those romantic type at all, so we rarely celebrated Valentine's Day in the past. But the fact he remembered this year means so much to me. Little caterpillar absolutely loved it! She held on to her bouquet for a good half and hour before letting me put them in a vase. Typical girl! Even though her bouquet looks bigger than mine, I was very happy to see that he remembers my favorite flower. They are in this nice soft pink color, very sweet!

Oh, that taller vase I used for little caterpillar's bouquet is very special for us. You see, stubborn and I painted it together at our anniversary several years back. It's not the most beautiful vase in the world, but to us, it's some sweet memory.

Even though I was busy making the secret gift for my best friend's boy, I managed to squeeze in a little bit crafting for Valentine's Day. I made some paper heart garlands follow some instruction I found online a while ago. Could not find it again. So, whoever posted that instruction, THANK YOU!

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