Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Orlando Trip, Day 2

This was our first official fun day at Orlando. First thing first, some nice and warm breakfast! Well, mommy was not going to pay over $20 for a breakfast buffet, since I didn't have much appetite, and little caterpillar eats maybe several bites. Thank goodness there is a Starbucks right in the lobby level. Guess what, I got to use the portable highchair I made, and it worked perfectly. Little caterpillar didn't fight to get out, and was very secure and safe when mommy turned around to get the hot Chocolate.
It was such a nice day, around 80F degree, bright sunshine and not too hot! Perfect! Little caterpillar looked so cute in her new dress! Such a little lady already! First, dancing time! Well, we didn't plan this. Little caterpillar loves music, and loves dancing with it! Only thing mommy could do was just let her get that out of her system, and of course snap some cute pictures.
Look how cute she was wearing her monkey harness!
Then we saw the flamingos!
We found the bridge to Shamu stadium. Oh, you can see one of the bottle holders I made.
We got to the stadium during the first show, and since I noticed the last several rows in the soak zone was not splashed, we just sat there for the second show. The show was amazing, the view was fantastic,but the decision was absolutely wrong. They don't call it soak zone for nothing. At the end of the second show, that biggest shamu came out for the splashing! Even though I was prepared, covered us with a beach towel, (only from the neck down, since we still want to watch the show), we got soaking wet. Little caterpillar didn't understand it and of course didn't expect it. She was shocked and almost cried. I thought that she probably will hate this for a while, but to my surprise, she started chanting "Shamu! Shamu!" right after we left the stadium, just like what we did during the show, right before the splashing! She loved it! And she picked up a new word! What else mommy can do, except buying this cute cuddly Shamu for her to hug!
The dolphin show was amazing, but I guess little caterpillar already had enough excitement for the day. She refused to sit with me on the bench, sat on the stairs instead, and kept saying she wanted to leave! What? In the middle of all these fun?
After dinner with daddy, she was happy again. And mommy got a chance to take more pictures of our gorgeous hotel! The setting in the lobby/courtyard/open space, whatever you call it, was so beautiful. You can tell someone spent lots of time designing these. Instead of the same seating everywhere, every direction you turn, there will be a totally different setup, all very calming and relaxing!
Also the outdoor garden and pool are beautiful and serene. After the sunset, the outdoor fire pits are lit, you just kick back and relax, listen to the soothing music, and completely surrounded by the sweet aroma of the gardenias. They use lots of gardenia and jasmine as garden elements in Orlando. I am slowly processing those pictures now. If you want to see more pictures of our hotel, please go to my flickr later.

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