Friday, July 15, 2011

Bad Luck Spreaded

Oh no, I didn't fall again! Thank goodness. My back and foot is actually getting better, very slowly, but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel now. It's little caterpillar and Stubborn. They are both sick!

Little caterpillar had running nose for several days, we thought it was just those "daycare nose" thing. So we were still kissing her all the time. Then Stubborn got it from her, plus more. Yeah, running nose, sore throat and coughing! He is a big guy, looks very strong, but everytime there is something around, he will pick it up. And you know what, whenever he gets just a little bit temperature or cough a little bit, he will complain non-stop, saying he feels like dying! OK, suck it up! I almost broke my back and my toe, and I have been in so much pain for the past week, yet I still had to do the laundry, cook dinner (normally 4 dishes and a soup, but down to 2 or 3 dishes and a soup this week), and clean the house! Who was helping me? And did you hear me complaining like that? Sometimes he can be such a baby!

Then little caterpillar started diarrhea yesterday. The poor thing pooped every hour! The daycare called Stubborn to pick her up earlier, and she has to stay home today. But at least she was and still is in good mood, and very playful. Her poor little bottom is so red, looks like a monkey's behind. We started giving her some traditional Chinese herb medicine, lots of Pedialyte and water, and soft food, oh yeah, yogurt. Hope this is just a stomach bug, and will go away fast. Little caterpillar is still picking up everything and then putting them in her mouth! How long will this stage last!?

Anyway, looks like this weekend will be another "relaxed" one. We cannot really go out with her like this. Oh, did I mention that I was having diarrhea as well, also my throat hurts too. But I have to suck it up, and be a good mom and wife, take care of those two! So miss the days I was still my mom's daughter, not someone else's wife. Sorry about the complaining! I really needed to vent it out. There are some refashion and sewing projects coming up soon. Yes, I have been sewing with a almost broken back.

Have a good weekend, everyone!

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