Thursday, September 29, 2011

Farm Pictures Comparison

Just processed some pictures from our apple picking trip, so here are some comparison of same activities from last year and this year. Sorry I still cannot show you her face. But you get the idea, how much she has grown during this past year. Oh, the weather this time is much warmer than last year, but they are taken around the same time, I promise.

Here is my baby sitting on a big pumpkin. Yeah, she totally faked that smile for mommy!

She got mobbed by the goats again and again.

She loved feeding the big animals with daddy, especially the llama and cow.

She enjoyed picking apples, especially this year she is old enough to enjoy eatting it.

This is how she looked on daddy's shoulder. Still so sweet!

There are so many cute pictures, they will be posted on my flickr soon.

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