Last week, I bought some lobsters for dinner one night, as Stubborn requested. Little caterpillar had lobster last summer, but she was too young to understand it or even remember it. So, this counts as her first time meets Mr. Lobster. She was facinated by them, so big, and moving around, very strange "big shrimp". Yeah, that's what she called them, Big Shrimp! She really wanted to play with them, but being 'bad' parents as we are, we couldn't risk her losing a finger. So, I dumped them in the boiling water and closed the lid! Oh, she was not happy about that at all. You cannot really see it in the picture since I blurred her face, she still had some tears on her face when the lobsters finally came to the table. See her fingers in the mouth? Like she was confused and saying "what should I do with you?"
Then she tried to bite the antenna.
We peeled the lobsters and gave her some of those tender meat from the claws, but she refused it. Hmm? But when Stubborn showed her the peeled tail part, she acted like a little shark, mouth opened as big as possible, almost bit off half of that tail! So funny! I guess she liked the tail shape much better. What happened to the big heads? This is soooo funny. She was pushing them on the table like cars! Engine sound and all! How on earth did she think of that? You got to love little kid's imaginations! Too bad I only have a mental picture of this. You see, my camera was right next to me, but my fingers were way too "stinky", there is no way I was going to jeopardize my camera's future by touching it. Guess we need to buy more lobsters and try to catch that moment again.
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