Monday, January 18, 2010

For All Soymilk Lovers - Part two

Today's recipe is for "Lily Petal, Lotus Seed, Green Bean Drink". It has calming and anti-aging effects, and great for your brain. It's a excellent alternative for soymilk.

Tiger Lily Petal 10g
Lotus Seed 10g
Dried Snow Fungus 10g
Dried Green Bean 40g (not the green bean you buy from grocery store as vegetable)
Crystal Sugar some

1. Soak tiger lily petal, lotus seed and snow fungus in hot water until soft. Tear snow fungus to smaller pieces.
2. Soak green bean 6 - 16 hours.
3. Add all ingredients into soymilk machine, and press "Start".
4. About 15 minutes later, when it's done, pour over filter.

See other great soymilk recipes at part one.

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