Monday, June 28, 2010

DIY Animal Alphabet Art

Finally finished it for my little Caterpillar. I was searching for the perfect alphabet poster for the nursery, and most of the ones I found were too busy, or to much details, or not the colors I wanted, until I saw this one. They also have pink, blue and basic color palette, but I just love the original, with all the orange, green and brown, very neutral, earth tone, and good for boy or girl. Shhh! Cannot you tell I am secretly want a second one? In case it's a boy, I want things gender friendly. It's not that we couldn't afford it, it's just so simple and I can easily make one myself. Well, I do have tons of beautiful scrapbook paper, and some yard sale frames down in the basement, and I know how to draw. So, I taped two pieces of regular printer paper together to get the correct size (measured my frame first), then hand drew the whole poster. Then I carefully cut them out individually, and used them as pattern to cut the scrapbook paper of my choice. The final result is slightly different from the original piece, but the color scheme is the same. I am pretty satisfied with it. BUT I do need to buy a white pen. That white pencil is just not doing a good job, you can hardly see the eyes and certain marks. I showed it to Stubborn, and surprisingly, he "liked it"! He is those kind of people hard to impress, he normally says "not bad" if he think you did pretty good. So, for him to say "like it", he must love it.

I was going to put it in the nursery, but changed my mind at last minute. The finished frame is quite heavy, I worried it may fall to the floor and the glass shatters into pieces and cut my little girl. So, it went on the small wall in the playroom, a.k.a. living room. That corner is the parking spot now, (my norfolk pine used to be there), but we might need to change that as well, since little caterpillar is mobile now, and she loves to explore, and she might pull the strollers down and hit her little head. I am planning to install a second safety door before the basement door, then we can park all strollers at the end of that short hallway. I am thinking about putting the rocking horse here, that is after I refinish it.

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