How was your Father's Day? We had a fun and relaxing weekend! We almost went to the Bruins parade in Boston. Stubborn is a big sports fan, loves almost all Boston teams. Even though he hasn't follow Bruins for too long, he really wanted to go, and share this experience with his little girl. But I was not too enthusiastic about the idea bring my baby to such a huge crowd! Lucky we didn't go, there were more than 1 million fans there by the time we planned to leave home. And later we heard the commuter rail train didn't even stop at most of the train station, because the trains were all packed after the first couple of stops! The ones got on the 9:30Am train finally got to Boston around 2Pm! Missed it all! We were so lucky that little caterpillar decided to sleep in. Stubborn got to watched the entire parade on TV, much better than standing outside the Garden, behind hundreds of people, and only can see about 5 minutes of the parade! He had a great time, while little caterpillar and I had a nice long brunch. Afterward, we went to an old friend's new house for a informal gathering. So great to go to a party with some store-bought dessert, I didn't need to work hard at all! We had a wonderful time there! Kids always love other people's toys! That's so true! Little caterpillar got to play with four bigger kids (5 to 7 years old), and was fascinated by the big kid's toys!

See, feeding their baby doll was more fun than feeding her own at home! Of course, she got to dig in their toy closet, while the bigger kids played some non-toddler-friendly game. She looked like she was on a treasure island!

Yeah, even other kid's dirty shoes were more attractive! She is really into shoes and accessories lately, has been wearing my shoes and carrying my bags a lot.

See, even other people's staircase was more fun! Too much fun, she forgot about safety. Lucky me and the other moms were chatting right there, when she decided to bend down and roll in the middle of the stairs! We were fast enough to catch her, my friend grabbed her arm, while I supported her head. Even though she was not hurt, she got really scared! Screamed and cried for 5 minutes! Then she went right back to the stairs! Lesson learned?! Crazy girl!

Once the whole front of that gorgeous dress was wet (she is probably teething again), my friend found a new dress that was too small for their daughter. It fits little caterpillar perfectly! Thanks, Fang! Don't they look like sisters? So cute!

We then spent about an hour at a nearby elementary school playground. So many new stuffs, little caterpillar tried really hard to play them all.

Look how silly she was! Even though there was no baby swing, we still gave it a try. After several minutes swing on mommy's lap, she decided to swing like a big girl! My friend helped me hold on to her while I took this picture!

I probably pushed her for good half an hour, while holding tightly on her arm! She had so much fun, that she got really mad at me when I took her down. She totally skipped her nap, so as soon as we put her in the car, she just felt right to sleep.
What happened on actual Father's Day, after her long beauty sleep? More fun! She got to play with her water toys on the deck.

Why was she wearing raincoat and rainboots on such a sunny day? Well, it was sunny and warm, but not hot enough to wear swimming suit. She kept pouring water on herself, so I had to do something. Once she figured out she could not open that new deck gate any more (I simply put a plastic ring thingy through the hole), she really enjoyed her homemade water table (a plastic box on a patio chair, filled with water toys). She even had a drink of that dirty water! Hmmm, yum!

We also went for a bike ride in the afternoon. Little caterpillar was too little last year, she was actually afraid of that little chair. But this time, she had a great time, even buckled up herself. She really liked poking mommy on the back while kicking mommy's legs. We spent an hour at a playground we passed by, so she got to play with some big kids equipment again, and followed a 5-yr-old boy around like a little tail. The boy had to play everything the "safe" way, so she won't try some dangerous moves. They were so cute together.
So, how was your father's day? Hope you all had fun. We sure did!
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