OK, this is what my little girl looked like at the end of the super exciting day one of our trip. She was very excited at the airport, seeing so many interesting things for the first time. We were so glad she is not a shy little girl, but rather a quite curious one. So she didn't cry at the security check point as I worried. Good girl! This was little caterpillar's first flight, I was so worried about how she is going to tolerate the air pressure change, and the confined space. Well, she read the safety instruction with daddy, she loved the pictures, and excited to find her alphabets and numbers on there too.

Then she spent some time figuring out how to open that hidden little tray table. 'Oh, I just turn this little thing this way, this little table will open up. How fun!'

Then she moved on to the light and air controls. 'Wish I am just a little bit taller, so I can reach that pretty little light.'

Of course, some spying on the neighbors.

We were so lucky Stubborn's coworker and his family sat right in front of us. Little caterpillar adored their two little boys, and admired their shiny iPad2. Ok, just the interesting games they played on it.

'OK, mommy, this is getting boring! I want to get out now.'

She was hyper during the entire trip, climbing back and forth between mommy and daddy, ate all her favorite snacks, restless, but overall, a very happy little girl. Shocking to us, as soon as the captain said we were approaching Orlando and ready for landing, she actually told me she was scared. I guess the lost gravity feeling was strange to her. And after said 'scared' twice, I found her quickly felt asleep in my arms. The lady next to us laughed and joked that it's a fascinating 'defensive machanism'.
Then we landed at Orlando airport, little caterpillar was totally confused! What happened to the cold weather and snow? Why is it so hot and sunny here? The trees are all different! Oh, she got to ride a taxi for the first time too!

Before we knew it, we arrived at our hotel, Renaissance Orlando at Seaworld! You guessed right, we were right accross the street from Seaworld! Stubborn can take shuttles to conference everyday, and little caterpillar and I can just walk to Seaworld! Nice job, stubborn!

Look at our beautiful room!

And what a view!

After an exhausting day of travel, we only got enough energy left to get some water and fruit at nearby CVS. Yeah, we didn't rent a car, so cannot go too far. That's when I remembered mommy forgot to pack sunglasses for her. That's ok. She got a new pair of princess glasses. Look how cute she is! Oops, mommy forgot to remove the sticker!

We stayed in after dinner, everyone was so exhausted, no need to rush to Seaworld. It's just accross the street, and we had the next few days to explore it. All we needed at that moment was a nice long hot shower, plenty of rest, so we can play with the shamu and dolphin the next day.

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