'Oh, mommy forgot to take some pictures at the entrance, so stay still, and smile for the camera! No? OK!'

'Oh, we didn't see the stingray yesterday. Do you want to touch them? Too scared? OK, next time.'

'Oh, look, they are feeding the dolphins! See those big gray fish looking things? They are called dolphins!'

'Cannot see them clearly? Let's go underground! Oh, but first, let's check out the manatees!'

That's when little caterpillar had her first meltdown! It was very hot that day, 90F degrees! Guess she was overheated. She rather play with the buckles on her stroller, than go with mommy to check out the gigantic manatees! She screamed and cried for over 30 minutes!

'Oh, look! They are jumping!'

'Can you pose for mommy? Quick, here comes a dolphin! Look up! Not down!'

'Oh, there are more coming at you! See them?'

Poor thing was so tired, she passed out before lunch! At least mommy got to eat first for a change!

'Hey, do you want to see some doggie and kitty?' 'Hey stop playing with your elastics, pay attention to the stage!' Well, obviously it was not going to happen. But at least it was very cool and comfortable in that Seaport Theatre.

'Oh, see those little kids playing in the water? Do you want to join them?'

Then we went to visit the sharks

and the sealions and seals

Oh, goodness, did we actually did all that! No wonder mommy was so tired at the end of everyday! Cannot wait to show what else we did on day 4!
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