This morning, my little caterpillar successfully did her business sitting on a real toilet! Well, this is not my girl, I was too busy holding her and encouraging her. No time to grab a camera. So, this one will do.

Stubborn was changing her diaper this morning, and then he decided to let her run FREE for a while, to air dry that sweet little tushy. Well, before he knew it, she squatted down, and peed a little on the carpet. Yeah, that's how I woke up this morning, by Stubborn's scream. So, I just jumped out of the bed, and ran to the bathroom to grab her potty. Just like this one, but the insert part is pink of course.

She played with it for weeks now, so she knew it's for sitting. What a good girl! Sat down, and peed a little more within a couple of minutes! Then she got up. OK, are you done? She said yes, then climbed back onto her bed, butt naked, then said "Poop"! Imagine what my reaction was? Grabbed her as quick as I could, put her back on the frog potty, which she refused this time. 'I am not sitting on that, it has pee in it. Ewww!' Ok, she didn't really say that, that was my guess. So, plan B. Since she likes to watch me sitting on the real toilet,and she loves her Elmo toilet seat (just for playing, sitting on it on carpet), we just had to give that a try. Ours is very similar to this one, but instead of Elmo and his friends all swimming, it just has Elmo swimming with the fish and seahorses.

Did you read this post even after I warned you not to? What? I am weird? No I am not weird. I am just too happy! We will definitely try this again. Next time, I will take some pictures. Oh, I will have to show you that cute little Japanese potty training book. It's so simple and colorful, very darling. Wish us luck!
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