I just love that braided collar on this darling little dress
Ashley made for her little girl. It's so unique, refreshing, and the best part, it stretches! (my little caterpillar has a huge head!) I will definitely try this one someday. Actually I recently repurposed one of my old t-shirt into a halter dress for my girl, the print is almost identical to this one! Love it how great minds (mine is not as great, but does have some great ideas once a while) work the same way! I will show you mine once I finish the matching capris I made from the cut off sleeves. Want to make Ashley's darling little dress? Don't know how to make the braid? Don't worry! Ashley also has a
tutorial on that. Ashley's blog
Make It Love It is one of my favorites. She is insanely talented, and so generous, she shares tons of great
tutorials on her blog. Check out what she did to a simple flip-flop!

She also inspired me to
recover our jogging stroller. Look at this amazing
tutorial on recovering a carseat.

She made everything look so easy! And she has fabulous taste on fabric and everything else! Wish I had time to copy everything on her tutorials. Jump over and see what inspires you for your next DIY project.
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