I have been surfing the blog world like usual, did I tell you that I am addicted to reading about other people's life, looking at other people's babies, and admiring their brilliant crafting or sewing projects? OK, you probably knew this already. Here are just some new ones I found, and so desperately want to go home and make them for my little caterpillar. Not that she really need more clothes, she might have enough clothes to rotate a month already. Hehe!

Found this at
Girl Inspired. Just by looking at the picture, you can never guess this adorable boutique style outfit is made from a adult T-shirt! Check out the amazingly simple tutorial on how to make this adorable
top and matching

How about this cute
Button Top from
Shwin and Shwin? I love dress my little caterpillar with those very girly dresses, but I love these earthy color paired with simple design (kind of like those Japanese sewing books) even more. I thrifted some linen shirts before, this might be the perfect project for them. Oh, while you are there, you should check out all her other
tutorials as well! I am drooling over these super cute outfits now! I can literally hear Stubborn calling for me at the basement door (my sewing place is in the basement) "Time For Bed!!!"
And there was another sew-along dress I saw earlier this week. Just cannot find it now. It's so simple, yet so darling. I actually dream about making it! Well, this should be enough eye candy for today. Go get inspired, and make something beautiful this weekend.
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