I found this amazing blog
Sewing In No Man's Land yesterday. Well, I read some posts on there a while back, but this is the first time I really paid attention, and read tons of it at once. Well, for me, it's very sweet and family oriented. Kelly is such a energetic lady, raising 3 cutie pies, making all those fashionable clothes, while working as a professional photographer! Any single one of these jobs is a full time commitment for most of us, and she is doing all three wonderfully. I am so inspired by all her sewing projects, and her pictures are out of this world good. Well of course those cute models really helps too. I love all her tutorials, so nicely explained, all the details and tips, just makes me want to go home and make all of them for my little caterpillar. Not that she needs any more clothes, she has a big closet full of clothes already. But all her creations are soooooo cute, I think every mother will love to put their babies in them.
Like this
Button Up Bloomers, I would never imagine it's so easy to make!

And this adorable
Butterfly Dress and Headband, it's so perfect for a hot summer day on the beach, or anywhere else.

I only wish my girl is cooperative like hers, she could never keep anything on her head for more than 5 seconds! Oh, how I just love her pictures! Oh yeah, I said that already. Wish I could take pictures like that, or even close to that. Yeah, Stubborn bought me a very nice camera, but I never sat down and read the manual or watch those DVDs about how to use it, so I definitely wasting it! Kelly was nice enough to offer some professional tips on photography, telling us what kind of
lens to use. I never really paid much attention to my 50mm F1.4, only used it in darker rooms. But I will practice with it this weekend, see whether I can improve my pictures. Also she shoots only in manual! That got to be really hard! Oh, how I dream to become a great photographer one day! Seriously, you guys just have to jump over to her blog to see all those amazing pictures.
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